Looking for a no-prep (just copy and staple) Summer Skill Review to send home with your current kindergarten students?
This resource can be used in a variety of ways. It can be sent home with students as a packet for summer review, as a daily review to be used during summer school, as an end-of-year review, as homework, or any other way that fits your needs. A review page can be completed at one time or divided up over different days or time periods.
What’s included in the Kindergarten Summer Skill Review packet?
- 26 different skill pages that contain several different skills. There are both numbered and unnumbered pages. The numbered pages progress with complexity of skills. The unnumbered pages are Included, so that you can have some flexibility in the pages and the order you would like to use them.
- editable parent letter
- sample parent letter
- packet cover
- journal pages (pages with illustration boxes and lines and full pages of lines)
- journal cover
- Read Aloud Club recording sheets
- gameboard trackers
- 1 to 100 number chart
- number formation chart
- letter formation chart
- direction page for parents in form of a sample answer key
- mini certificates to celebrate milestones
- milestone skill check-off sheet
- picture key for the encoding words
How to prep the Summer Skill Review packet?
There are several different ways that you can prepare this packet depending on how you use it. We make Skill Review and Journal booklets for each of our students. We also give them two of the gameboards and the generic Read Aloud Club sheets copied back-to-back, a sheet of certificates copied onto colored paper and the parent letter.
- The skill review pages (numbered or unnumbered) can be copied and put into a booklet with a cover or just a few pages can be copied and stapled together.
- The writing journal can also be copied and put into a booklet format. To save paper, both the journal and review pages can be copied back-to-back.
- Copy the parent letter (or write your own using the editable page), picture key, and whatever gameboard and Read Aloud Club pages you choose to use (if any).
- Copy the Check-Off sheet and mini certificates if using.
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Thank you!
Michelle and Linda
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